Benjamin Jaimes de la Cruz, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Department of Ocean Sciences
Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science
University of Miami

Physical Oceanography
Ph.D. University of Miami, 2009

My scientific interest includes air-sea interaction in hurricanes over oceanic mesoscale eddies, near-inertial wave propagation in geostrophic flow, non-linear upwelling, dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico ― including the Loop Current and warm and cold core eddies―, and eddy-mean flow interaction in the ocean, from observational, theoretical, and numerical modeling perspectives. Currently, I am an Associate Scientist with the Upper Ocean Dynamics Laboratory.



Benjamin Jaimes de la Cruz
University of Miami, Rosenstiel School
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149
Phone: +(305) 421-4369




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