In the next couple of months wind direction measurements
will be available over the current WERA footprint.
A new technique for measurements of wind direction was developed by
Lucy Wyatt, measuring the directional spectrum of high-frequency ocean
wave using HF radar. (Wyatt L.R., L.J. Ledgard,C.W. Anderson, 1997.
Maximum likelihood estimation of the directional distribution
of 0.53Hz ocean waves. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic
Technology, 14, 591-603.).Lucy Wyatt
This new technique is based on Donelan's directional spreading
model (Donelan, M. A., J. Hamilton, and W. H. Hui, 1985: Directional spectra
of wind-generated waves. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. A; 315,
The wind direction is determined from the difference in
amplitude of the two main Bragg peaks in the radar power spectrum at each grid
point across the coverage area.
Here is a plot with the wind direction during tropical storm Jeanne.

© Sep 26 2004 00:40 UTC
Animation of wind direction before and during Jeanne.2 day composite of the wind direction