Previous Deployment |
West Florida Shelf WERA deployment (Aug 24 to Sep 26 2003):
- Introduction
- Locations and percent return:wfs_map.gif
Individual post-processed maps available in wfs/maps/
Raw data can be found in data/wfs/ (Password
needed for access).
UM/RSMAS HF Radar Operations
From Aug 24 to Sep 26 2003, the University of Miami/Rosenstiel School of Marine and
Atmospheric Sciences is operated the WERA HF radar system on the West
Florida Shelf as part of the SEA-COOS
initative supported by ONR.
This was a precursor to our planned work on the East Florida Shelf, and a
deployment to familiarize ourselves with the new system.
Below is the comparion of the WERA surface current (black line) and
the 3m bin from USF's NA2 ADCP (red line) over the entire experiment.
TS Henri was in the area from Sept 5-7 (yd 248-250), WERA and the ADCP agree
well during this period.
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Please email tcook@rsmas.miami.edu with any questions or comments.